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Week in the Life of a Football Supporter With a Resident's Smart Card


Week in the Life of a Football Supporter With a Resident's Smart Card

Our fan Sam, is an ordinary family man hoping to enhance his future prospects. He is thirty something and hitched with two youthful kids. He lives with his family in leased settlement with the nearby committee delegated lodging affiliation. He works all day 9-5 with the neighborhood board as a HR officer and is likewise low maintenance developing understudy contemplating Business Management two nights for every week.
Sam goes to practically every home diversion and around 5 away amusements for each season; however he is not a season ticket holder. He cannot manage the cost of the coincidental cost and does not think about the spending arrangement installment terms. He for the most part meets a companion at a nearby bar before home recreations, as he trusts it is excessively costly, making it impossible to eat and savor the stadium.
Sam has an 'Occupants and Supporters' shrewd card issued by the nearby football club as a component of a joint wander with the neighborhood committee. The card is a Football Club Membership Card with a shut handbag, an installment office that is just legitimate in the stadium and the club's retail outlets (a shut tote claimed and worked by or in the interest of the club can produce a huge number of pounds in extra wage and effectiveness picks up).
The 'Occupants and Supporters' keen card likewise permits installment by Europay/MasterCard/Visa (EMV) and is Local Authority Smart card Standards e-Organization (LASSeO) and Integrated Transport Standards Organization (ITSO) agreeable. This implies it can be utilized to access committee gave administrations and on nearby transport. The card has likewise been produced and encoded as per the rising Standards for Smart Card Technology in Stadia.
Sam sign on to the club's site and checks the installations for the coming month. He chooses to buy two tickets for tomorrow evenings container amusement, when he will take a companion from work who has never been. Sam essentially enters his 'Occupants and Supporters' shrewd card number into the buy screen. He pays for the ticket with the EMV installment. Once the buy is finished Sam check his Loyalty focuses adjust and it has expanded by 200 (100 for every ticket). He picks the 'print at home' alternative, prints both bar-coded tickets and afterward embarks for work.
The transport arrives. Sam gets on and presents his 'Inhabitants and Supporters' card, which stores his ITSO agreeable month to month transport ticket to the per user.
At work Sam utilizes his 'Occupants and Supporters' keen card at the workplace building access control per user. This permits him to open the principle entrance entryway. Since the card likewise goes about as Sam's staff pass it additionally has his photograph and gives him access to his office and other pertinent territories in the building. At lunchtime Sam is occupied so he chooses to eat at the staff eatery. Most staff has gathering issued cards for Access ID and to pay for nourishment yet Sam's can utilize his 'Occupants and Supporters' card in all board staff eateries. Notwithstanding, the e-tote utilized as a part of committee eateries does not permit Sam to accrue focuses, not at all like the other e-handbag additionally on the card.
At 17:00 Sam leaves the workplace and voyages home on the transport again utilizing his 'Inhabitants and Supporters' card, which stores his ITSO consistent month to month transport ticket.
Monday is one of the two evenings seven days that Sam goes to low maintenance course held at the football club meeting focus.
Sam drives to the stadium and presents his 'Inhabitants and Supporters' brilliant card to the stopping boundary. This opens as the CRM framework discloses to it that Sam is studying today so is qualified with the expectation of complimentary stopping. Once the nighttimes study is over Sam leaves the auto stop utilizing the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' card to open the leave hindrance.
At the point when Sam returns home he checks his Loyalty Points adjust again and sees that he got 50 point for going to school, as is a piece of a nearby 'Self Development' program keep running by the board and upheld by neighborhood organizations.
Number of employments of the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' card. (10)
Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card

Part 2 of 8


Sam takes after his typical routine utilizing the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' savvy card on the transport and to get to his office building. At lunch time he goes into the nearby library and gets a book identifying with his Business Management course. He utilizes the self-benefit work area and presents the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' shrewd card to enroll the credit of the books, as the card likewise goes about as a library card.
Sam chooses to go straight to the football club from the workplace and meets his companion outside the stadium. Sam understands that he has overlooked his ticket, yet is not worried as he just goes to the club shop where they read his card and affirm he was issued with a substantial ticket. They then approve the get to control framework to acknowledge the card. (Actually Sam did not have to do this as when he utilized the card to ID himself online the earlier day when buying the tickets, the card and the bar-coded ticket were naturally added to the get to control framework as substantial for passage for this diversion. The framework however would just acknowledge the primary shape i.e. card or ticket for section, once one frame had been utilized the second would be consequently rendered void this is for security and income insurance purposes).
Sam's companion arrives and they both enter the stadium Sam with the 'Occupants and Supporters' brilliant card and his companion with his own bar-coded ticket. In the stadium Sam and companion both get a drink and something to eat. As Sam has the 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card he goes straight to the cashless installment line which is shorter than the money line. To lift take-up of the new 'Inhabitants and Supporters' card there is a markdown on all items when paying with the pre pay e-tote. Sam pays utilizing the shut e-satchel and he is served speedier than his companion who is paying with money. Sam additionally spares cash. Sam then gets an instant message from the football club Events Team saying thanks to him for entering the stadium early and offers him a BOGOFF (Buy One Get One For Free) offer on the new line in pasties from nearby dough punchers on the off chance that he utilizes his shut e-satchel for installment.

Sam and companion watch the principal half amid which Sam best up his e-handbag on his 'Inhabitants and Supporters" shrewd card by instant message Then at half time he exploits the BOGOFF offer.

After the match companion Sam utilizes his 'Occupants and Supporters' shrewd card for the transport travel home. At home Sam checks his reliability record and sees an aggregate of 125 new focuses from his buys and in light of the fact that he entered the stadium early.

Number of employments of the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' card. (10)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 3 of 8


Sam takes after his standard routine into work utilizing the 'Occupants and Supporters' shrewd card on the transport and to get to his office building. Today is Sam's birthday the football club CRM writings his cell phone a 2-4-1 offer to eat in the eatery at the stadium. To exploit this offer Sam meets his better half for lunch at the stadium. The offer likewise expresses that on the off chance that he pays for the feast with the shut tote on his 'Occupants and Supporters' shrewd card he will get treble steadfastness focuses. Sam best up his e-handbag on his "Inhabitants and Supporters" shrewd card by instant message. Sam recovers the 2-4-1 offer and pays for the feast with the shut e-satchel on his 'Occupants and Supporters' brilliant card.

At the point when Sam comes back to work he utilizes the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' shrewd card to get to his office building.

After work Sam chooses to go to the exercise center he utilizes his 'Inhabitants and Supporters' shrewd card for the transport travel and once at the rec center, which is a gathering recreation focus. Sam utilizes the 'Occupants and Supporters' keen card to pick up passage to the relaxation focus as it is likewise holds his enrollment subtle elements. Sam utilizes shrewd card inside the recreation focus to enlist his utilization of the exercise center and again to utilization of the swimming pool. Sam then ventures home on the transport utilizing the 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card.
At home Sam sign on to the clubs site and checks the adjust on his steadfastness account. He finds that he has an extra 350 focuses for fixing up, paying in the eatery and furthermore a reward for his birthday. Sam has likewise been given extra focuses for taking an interest on one physical movement at the recent, this is a PCT activity to advance solid living and battle stoutness and help diminish the weight on the nearby NHS. The plan is bolstered by the nearby chamber and the football club.

Number of employments of the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' card.(14)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 4 of 8


Sam takes after his typical routine into work utilizing the 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card on the transport and to get to his office building.

At lunch time Sam gets down to business and purchases a CD from a nearby music store and a few embellishments for his auto from a national engine components retailer utilizing the EMV installment on his 'Inhabitants and Supporters' brilliant card.

Sam has contemplate leave toward the evening and travel home on the transport utilizing his 'Occupants and Supporters' keen card, and gathers his Business Management course books and course work. At home Sam sign on to the clubs site and checks the adjust on his reliability record and finds that he has an extra 160 focuses for the EMV exchanges at the nearby music store and the national engine components retailer. As these exchanges are utilizing the EMV installment office they pull in a marginally bring down rate of focuses than exchanges utilizing the pre pay e-handbag on the 'Occupants and Supporters' keen card.
As Sam is enrolled as a develop understudy learning at the stadium he is permitted free access to the WiFI inside the stadium meeting suite. Sam drives to the stadium right on time, for his second review night of the week, as he is meeting a review amigo there. On landing in the stadium Sam exhibits his 'Occupants and Supporters' card to the stopping hindrance which opens as it most likely is aware from the CRM that Sam is considering this evening and is qualified with the expectation of complimentary stopping. Sam utilizes the 'Occupants and Supporters' keen card to sign on to the system utilizing double variable confirmation and the framework perceives Sam is enrolled with a sight impedance and has put away visual inclinations to help him read the content. The framework is set to Sam's inclinations. This same capacity could be utilized to change dialect for those whose first dialect is not English.

Once the nights study is over Sam leaves the auto stop again utilizing the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' savvy card to open the leave boundary.
At the point when Sam returns home he again checks his Loyalty Points adjust and sees that, similarly as he did on Monday evening he got 50 point for going to school, this is a piece of a nearby 'Self Development' program keep running by the board and upheld by neighborhood organizations.

Number of employments of the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' shrewd card (12)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smartcard.

Part 5 of 8


Sam takes after his typical routine into work utilizing the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' savvy card on the transport and to get to his office building.

At lunch time Sam goes to the chambers 'One Stop Shop' to apply for Free School Meals for his 2 kids. He utilizes an open PC and presents his 'Inhabitants and Supporters' shrewd card to the per user which distinguishes him requests a mystery word (2 Factor Authentication). As Sam is enrolled with a sight disability on the gathering's open confronting framework his visual debilitation inclinations are perused from the card and the boards open confronting framework is set to Sam's inclinations.

As the committees CRM as of now holds many snippets of data required for the Free School Meals Entitlement Form some data there has been consequently finished i.e. Name. DoB, Address, Contact points of interest and so on. This is called Auto Form Fill. Sam check the auto populated information is right, finishes whatever remains of the frame and comes back to work.

After work Sam chooses to go to the rec center he utilizes the 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card for the transport travel and once at the reccenter, which is a board relaxation focus Sam utilizes the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' brilliant cardto pick up section to the middle as it is likewise his participation card for the recreation focus. Sam additionally utilizes the 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card inside the relaxation focus to enlist his utilization of the rec center and again utilization of the swimming pool. Sam then voyages home on the transport utilizing the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' savvy card for the adventure home.

Sam makes the week by week shopping rundown and afterward drives to the nearby general store where he pays for the shopping with the EMV installment alternative on his 'Inhabitants and Supporters' savvy card.

At the point when Sam returns home he again checks his Loyalty Points adjust and he has gotten purposes of utilizing the Gym and paying for the week after week shopping.

Number of employments of the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' keen card. (11)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 6 of 8


Today is a top of the table conflict. Sam is taking his child Thomas to the diversion and it is his first round of the season. Sam and Thomas drive to the town focus and Sam stops the auto in a gathering oversaw Pay and Display auto stop. As an inhabitant of the ward Sam is qualified for a rebate on stopping charges Sam displays the card to the stopping machine and gets his markdown.

At that point Sam takes Thomas to the Club Shop around the local area focus and reclaims a portion of the devotion focuses he has been accumulating and gets a home shirt for Thomas.

It is still early and Sam takes Thomas to the nearby historical center to inquire about a theme that Thomas is learning at school. The 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card qualifies Sam for a marked down passage however as there is no card per user in the gallery Sam essentially demonstrates his card. This kind of 'Show n Go' rebate conspire works in various places in the town likewise and helps neighborhood private ventures, this activity is upheld by the boards nearby recovery plot.

At that point Sam goes to a neighborhood shop that is a Pay Point specialist to pay his Rent and Council Tax as he doesn't have an immediate charge set up. At the shop Sam pays money however displays his 'Occupants and Supporters' keen card to the per user to recognize him and apportion the assets to the correct ads up to the right Rent and Council Tax accounts.

It is presently time for Sam and Thomas to go to the stadium and as it is close and a sunny day they choose to contract one of general society cycles in the town. Sam realizes that the football club is a piece of this 'Fit 4 Life' activity worked by the Council and supported by the neighborhood PCT as it is a piece of the Football Clubs 'Green Travel Plan'. At the mechanized cycle store Sam shows his 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card to the per user and discharges a grown-up cycle for himself and does likewise for a lesser cycle for Thomas. They both cycle 2 miles to the stadium where they store and secure the cycles a storeroom situated in the stadia auto stop, which is like the one around the local area. The locking component is additionally worked by the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' brilliant card, which if relevant is likewise utilized for installment however not for this situation as the framework perceives that Sam is qualified with the expectation of complimentary utilize.

Sam takes Thomas to the ticket office to get him a bar-coded paper coordinate day ticket and after installment Sam's 'Occupants and Supporters' shrewd card is set to be his ticket. He introduces his 'Occupants and Supporters' brilliant card to gather the unwaveringness focuses, however he pays for the ticket in real money. At the point when the ticket office take Thomas' own subtle elements for the ticket buy they see that in spite of the fact that this is his first match this season, he attended 6 coordinates last season and flew out to an away FA Cup tie with the Official Supporters Club. They offer Thomas the opportunity to join the Junior Supporters Club at a markdown which will give him his own particular supporters card. As Sam is as of now an 'Inhabitants and Supporters' shrewd card holder Junior Supporters Club Membership is free for a constrained period. Thomas applies and Sam is given a quick rebate on Thomas' match day ticket.

Sam and Thomas the go to the entryways and both enter the stadium; Sam with his 'Occupants and Supporters' keen card and Thomas with his own particular bar-coded ticket. In the stadium Sam gets them both a drink and a burger utilizing the shut e-handbag on the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' shrewd card as again that line is substantially shorter than the money line and they get a markdown.

Sam and Thomas watch the primary half amid which Sam gets an instant message inviting Thomas to the Junior Supporters Club and giving a limited time code for Thomas, two companions and a capable grown-up to have a free stadium visit. All Thomas needs to do is have his folks finish an online frame with names, addresses and periods of the 4 individuals going to the visit. Sam likewise best up the e-handbag on his 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card by instant message. At half time both Sam and Thomas get a chilly drink from the stand where Sam again utilizes the shut e-tote on the 'Occupants and Supporters' shrewd card, is served rapidly and spares cash.

After the match companion Sam utilizes the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' keen card to open the cycles for the ride back to town to gather the auto.

At home Sam registers himself Thomas and two companions for the visit utilizing the special code in the instant message. As he is an 'Inhabitants and Supporters' savvy card holder he will be given Loyalty Points on the off chance that anybody in the gathering makes a buy and on the off chance that they get to be season ticket holders Sam and Thomas will be welcome to meet their most loved player. Sam then checks his unwaveringness record and sees a sum of 225 new focuses from the buys and entering the stadium early.

Number of employments of the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' keen card. (16)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 7 of 8


Sam and Thomas take a gander at the photos of the match yesterday on the Football Club's site. Thomas has gotten an email with his enrollment subtle elements and he sets up his record.

Sam finds a reproduction shirt from the mid eighties which he adds to the 'list of things to get' on his Loyalty account so that when he has enough focuses he will get a programmed update by email and content. There was additionally a possibility for the shirt to be consequently sent to him when he had enough focuses and the Loyalty focuses reclaimed naturally yet he didn't pick it.

It is sunny and Sam has an energizing day got ready for the family. In the morning he takes the family to a nearby petting zoo and nation stop. The recreation center is worked by the province gathering and there is a little charge, however as Sam is an 'Inhabitants and Supporters' savvy card holder he and his family appreciate free affirmation.

Toward the evening Sam and the family go to the football stadium to go to a music occasion with various enormous name entertainers. The tickets were a piece of Sam's birthday display from his folks. Sam was made mindful of the occasion from an instant message and an email that was sent by the clubs CRM. Sam's 'Inhabitants and Supporters' brilliant card was utilized amid the exchange to get a rebate and unwaveringness focuses.
Sam and his family the go to the entryways and enter the stadium Sam with the 'Inhabitants and Supporters' brilliant card and whatever remains of the family with barcoded tickets. In the stadium Sam gets them sustenance and a beverage utilizing the shut e-tote on the ‘Occupants and Supporters’ shrewd card and as dependably the line is substantially shorter than the money line and he likewise gets a rebate.

After the occasion the Sam takes the family home. In transit home Sam get fuel at a little neighborhood petrol station and uses the EMV installment technique on his 'Occupants and Supporters' savvy card and gets some more faithfulness focuses.

Number of employments of the 'Occupants and Supporters savvy card. (9)

Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Resident's Smart Card.

Part 8 of 8

Summary, Conclusions and Next Steps
The past 7 sections and this last determination of 'Seven days in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Residents Smart Card' show unmistakably how a solitary card can give access to a wide range of administrations and exercises conveyed by different suppliers from both open and private areas.
This is not hypothesis; each one of the applications underneath is a live application in a plan in the UK. This record 'Week in the Life of a Football Supporter with a Residents Smart Card' basically unites them all on the one card.

          Logical Access - Home PC
          EMV Payment - (Euro pay/MasterCard/Visa)
          Access Control - Council Building access
          Council particular - e-Purse
          Access Control - Parking
          Library Membership - Local Authority
          Staff ID
          Access Control - Football Stadia
          Ticketing - Football coordinate day or season
          Football Club Specific - e-Purse, Cashless in the Stadia and Shop.
          Football Club Membership
          Leisure Club Membership - Local Authority
          Access Control - Leisure
          Network ID - Higher Education/Learning Resource
          PC Accessibility - SNAPI
          Auto Form Fill
          Concessions - Transport
          Parking - Local Authority
          Bill Payment – C Tax/Rent
          Entitlement - Cycle Hire


          Monday 10
          Tuesday 10
          Wednesday 14
          Thursday 12
          Friday 11
          Saturday 16
          Sunday 9
          Total for the week 82
          Average day by day utilize 11.7


To find the operational and money related advantages of such a plan for your association please contact The following is a rundown of the run of the mill benefits that Football Clubs and Local Authorities have figured it out.

          More Customer Data
          Better Quality Customer Data
          Improved Know Your Customer Capability
          More Effective CRM Campaign Development
          Better CRM Campaign Management
          Increased Revenue (possibly £300+ per season for a Football Club)
          Reduces Costs
          Greater Efficiency
          Leaner Overall Service Delivery
          Richer Customer Experience
          Improver Customer Loyalty
          Fewer Debtor Days
          Faster Payment
          Improved Cash Flow
          New Revenue Streams
          Peer Envy
          Greener Operations
          Improved Community Reputation

This is not a thorough rundown, but rather a decent case of what a brilliant card conspire like this can accomplish for your association. In the event that you don't think your Chief Executive might want you to convey any of the above advantages then we will essentially thank you for perusing and encourage you to quit perusing now.

As yet perusing? Alright you should be not kidding. On the off chance that you truly do wish to discover how a multi-application, multi-seller plan can help your association particularly then call or email Steve Bee croft, Smart Technologies Consultant on 07855 364493.

Your CEO will thank you on the off chance that you do and you will kick yourself on the off chance that you don't.

Steve Bee croft is a keen advancements specialist with Consulting Smart Ltd. Bee croft established the organization in 2006 to address the issues of customers inside nearby experts and budgetary administrations areas. Since its begin, Consulting Smart has ventured into the transportation and games stadia ranges, offering counsel from idea and practicality through to configuration arranging, assemble, execution, and advantage acknowledgment.

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